
Oz Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Mucizât-i Kur’âniye Risalesi adini verdigi 25. Soz’de Kur’an’in kirk vecihle mucize oldugunu soylemis ve bu vecihleri cesitli orneklerle izah etmistir. Kirk vecihten onu, ayet sonlarindaki “fezleke”lerin Esmâ-i Husnâ’yi isaret etmesiyle ilgilidir. Fiilin genis olarak anlatilip ilgili ilahi ismin bu fiilden cikarilmasi, sanattan Sânia gidis, once Allah’a ait fiillerin genis sekilde anlatilmasi sonra ozetlenerek ilahi isimlerle iliskilendirilmesi, nizamdan Esmâ-i Husnâ’ya gidis, tegayyurden sabit hakikatlerin kaynagi olan esmâya gecis, kesretten vahdete gecis, zâhiri sebepten musebbib-i hakiki’ye gidis, dunyevi fiillerden âhiretteki fiillere gecis, cuz’i maksattan kulli maksada gidis ve kulun isyanini gosterip rahmete isaret eden ilâhi isimlere yonlendirme yapilmasi gibi yollarla Bediuzzaman ayet sonlarindaki fezlekelerde Allah’in cesitli isimlerine gidilebilecegini ispat etmistir. Bediuzzaman her seyde Esmâ-i Husnâ’ya bir yol bulmaya calistigi gibi Kur’an’in i’cazi konusunda da boyle bir yol bulmaya calismis ve bunu Kur’an’in i’caz vecihlerinden biri olarak gostermistir. Abstract Said Nursi stated in his treatise titled “The Miracles of The Qur’an” (The 25th Word) that there are forty miraculous aspects of the Qur’an and these aspects have been explained with various examples. One aspect is concerned with the indication of the summaries of the Beautiful Names at the end of each verse. Nursi explains, in an extensive fashion, the way various divine actions have been removed from the context of being divine names, proceeding from being genuine art to that of fraud and trickery. Nursi first proceeds by explaining the actions pertaining to God in a broad fashion and then summarises them in their form of association with divine names. Proceeding from the Beautiful Names, Nursi describes the names that are the source of firm and established truth and reality. He then discusses the abundance of unity, the means and origin of apparent and external causes, worldly actions and deeds and those of the Hereafter and the difference between particular and universal aims. Finally, Nursi has proved the various ways of reaching and apprehending God’s various names in the summaries at the end of various Qur’anic verses. Just as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has worked to bring the Beautiful Names of God (and make them relevant) to all things; he has also brought this via the subject of the Qur'an's Miracles which Nursi has shown to comprise one great miracle.

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