
The initiative of supporting domestic production in 1928 was preplanned. The idea came from government circles, while the implementation was handed over to voivodes and starostas, and the participation of society, including representatives of social and economic organizations. The guidelines were presented at the meeting of voivodes on September 17, 1928 in Warsaw. Voivodes appointed persons responsible for implementation, an action plan was developed, ideas were written down and organizations and target groups were selected to be involved in implementation. Then the initiative was launched. The article consists of five sections, the first of which presents the assumptions of the initiative to promote domestic goods and raw materials and its first informational stage, then describes the implementation of the initiative broken down by contractors and forms of implementation. After the presentation of the implementation, there is a summary of the events. The text ends with a conclusion. The aim of the article is to present the initiative of promoting domestic production as a positive phenomenon that unifies the society of the Second Polish Republic in 1928, as part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Poland regaining independence.

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