
Culture is a product of the wisdom of the people, especially the people of Indonesia. Local culture was the main move of the previous wali to spread Islam in Indonesia, especially East Java in a peaceful manner without any coercion. One of the local cultures is “Kupatan”, Kupatan is a unique tradition which is specially held during the one week celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Kupatan is very common in East Java, especially in Durenan Trenggalek and spreads to the Tulungagung area. This local culture can strengthen the ties of brotherhood between Muslims as well as non-Muslims in realizing the dream of all Muslims, namely peaceful Islam and Washatiyah. The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of kupatan in strengthening ukhwah Islamiyah in the spirit of washatiyah Islam, especially in Trenggalek Regency. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The data collection method used observation, interview and documentation techniques for Biology and Islamic Education Management students at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah, as well as literature review and related journals. Kupatan culture is local wisdom that can be used to strengthen the value of ukhuwah. Based on the results and discussion, Kupatan has meaningful philosophical values, namely ngaku lepat and laku papat which are the noble products of the wali songgo. Kupatan teaches the values ​​of sharing and friendship which are very important to maintain brotherhood or ukhuwah between others for the realization of Wasathiyah Indonesian Islam.

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