
Culture is a form of creative expression of a human being through which he reshapes the world, acts on it adding it value and creating new, cultural values. A human being is able to create a product of culture only when he is free and able to express himself. A contemporary man can incorporate various cultural activities into his spare time. They are especially important when they concern children and young people: regardless of whether they are used in institutional settings or in spare time. The authors conducted an empirical research of students' assumptions and beliefs concerning cultural activities in their free time. The sample comprised 233 fifth grade students. The findings show that in their spare time fifth graders: engage in various cultural activities; that students who live in urban areas attend more cultural events; that students have the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities in the area of culture - join cultural and artistic groups and associations and engage in various creative pursuits at different levels of participation (as consumers, full participants); and that students' attitudes concerning the influence of parents and teachers on the selection of cultural activities to be pursued do not vary greatly by gender, location or school achievement. Cultural activities do play a significant part in the free time of primary school students. This is why it is important that guidance provided in school and in spare time should be brought in greaer harmony.


  • Summary: Culture is a form of creative expression of a human being through which he reshapes the world, acts on it adding it value and creating new, cultural values

  • A contemporary man can incorporate various cultural activities into his spare time. They are especially important when they concern children and young people: regardless of whether they are used in institutional settings or in spare time

  • The findings show that in their spare time fifth graders: engage in various cultural acivities; that students who live in urban areas attend more cultural events; that students have the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities in the area of culture – join cultural and artistic groups and associations and engage in various creaive pursuits at different levels of participation; and that students' attitudes concerning the influence of parents and teachers on the selection of cultural activities to be pursued do not vary greatly by gender, location or school achievement

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Saţetak: Kultura je stvaralaĉki izraz ĉoveka kojim on preoblikuje svet i oplemenjuje ga vlastitom aktivnošću i tako stvara nove kulturne vrednosti. Savremeni ĉovek u slobodno vreme moţe inkorporirati razliĉite kulturne aktivnosti. Kulturne aktivnosti su prisutne u slobodnom vremenu uĉenika razredne nastave. Ključne reči: slobodno vreme, kulturne aktivnosti, uĉenici razredne nastave. Kulturne aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu, osim što doprinose odmoru i rekreaciji, bitne su i za razvoj liĉnosti, odnosno za uĉenje i razvoj kritiĉkog odnosa ĉoveka prema okruţenju. Zbog svega toga na slobodno vreme dece i mladih gledamo kao na snaţan generišući faktor razvoja njihove liĉnosti. Otuda je bitno da se obezbedi komplementarnost aktivnosti koje uĉenici realizuju u školi sa aktivnostima koje oni koriste u slobodnom vremenu. Kako će i koliko deca i mladi birati kulturne aktivnosti kao naĉin korištenja slobodnog vremena zavisi od razliĉitih okolnosti, pre svega od kulture sredine u kojoj ţive, vaspitaju se i obrazuju. U mlaĊem školskom uzrastu najvaţniji faktori vaspitanja za kulturu slobodnog vremena su porodica i škola

Zastupljenost kulturnih aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu
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Poseta učenika kulturnim dogaĎajima u slobodnom vremenu
Vannastavne aktivnosti iz oblasti kulture i umetnosti u slobodnom vremenu
Ĉlanstvo u sekcijama pol
Stvaralaštvo učenika u slobodnom vremenu
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