
The central issue discussed in this paper concerns the post-modern social development, which has made people – high-ranking officials, persons entrenched in the cultural establishment, intellectuals, and ordinary individuals without public notoriety alike – stew over every publicly uttered word under threat of total “cancellation”. Despite frequent attempts to interpret this phenomenon, now commonly referred to as the cancel culture, in the light of maintaining the hegemony of liberal thought or as a peculiar continuation of political correctness, I shall demonstrate herein that the key function of the cancel culture is the social embedment of disembedded individuals, as part of a global trend of tribalisation of society. This is the result of various processes which accompany the reflexive modernisation and bring about insecurity and distrust as the main characteristics of life in a risk society. Individuals are therefore forced to seek refuge in adopted hybrid patterns of sociability, the cancel culture being only one of them. These patterns arise as a consequence of convergence of pre-modern and post-modern patterns of sociability by means of digital technologies, which become their hybridisation agent.


  • On the 15th of February 2021, having received a high state award on the occasion of the Sovereignty Day of the Republic of Serbia, the acclaimed film director Emir Kusturica, in his address, mentioned the cancel culture twice, ob-Dalibor Petrović, Cancel Culture as a Hybrid Pattern of Postmodern Sociability viously with a negative connotation.[1]

  • Unlike Kusturica, they did not mention the cancel culture explicitly, but they did define it as they warned about the censorship spreading through the American culture, a practice characterized by intolerance to different opinions, public shaming and ostracism, as well as a tendency to address complex political issues in a blindingly moralizing tone

  • McLuhan (Marshall McLuhan) foresaw the evolution of new hybrid forms of post-modern sociability, having remarked that the mass use of the mass-media technologies, in this case television, brings back the pre-modern patterns of sociability by, figuratively speaking, turning the world into a global village, the space in which information swiftly goes around the planet, to how it used to spread through a village (McLuhan 1964)

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Сажетак: Централно питање којим се у овом тексту бавим тиче се постмодерног друштвеног развоја који нас је довео до тога да под претњом потпуног „укидања“ стрепимо за сваку јавно изговорену реч, било да смо на извршним позицијама моћи, било да припадамо културном естаблишменту, интелектуалним круговима или да смо обични појединци без икакве јавне препознатљивости. Централно питање којим се у овом тексту бавим тиче се постмодерног друштвеног развоја који нас је довео до тога да под претњом потпуног „укидања“ стрепимо за сваку јавно изговорену реч, било да смо на извршним позицијама моћи, било да припадамо културном естаблишменту, интелектуалним круговима или да смо обични појединци без икакве јавне препознатљивости. У складу са тим у закључним разматрањима тврдим да се култура отказивања идеално наслања на идентитетски трибализам као механизам за дисциплиновање оних који нарушавају монолитност јавног дискурса, зато што их у основни повезује иста ствар, а то је снажна тежња ка сједињавању појединаца у заједницу у једном свеопштем тренду присвајања хибридне форме постомодерне друштвености

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