
The article discusses the problem of the relations between culture and law in a modern pluralistic society, where exist the significant ideological differences in perception of the fundamental human values. The positive law should serve the attainment of these values. At the beginning the Author takes a personalistic stance on a culture expressed at the Second Vatican Council, that “man comes to a true and full humanity only through culture, that is through the cultivation of the goods and values of nature” (Gaudium et spes, n. 53). In order to get answer to the above question – in Author’s opinion – the following problems should be considered: what is law, what are values, in particular, what are the Christian values and what is their relation towards the positive law provided by the State bodies. In conclusion, the Author indicated a dramatic cultural conflict in the legal systems of the Member State of the European Union, as a consequence of forcing by the positive law established by the bodies of the European Union the patterns of behavior, which are contrary to the Christian system of the universal ethical values, rooted in the Christian culture of the European nations.

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