
Plague is one of the anthropozoonoses, infectious diseases which is trans- mitted to humans by animals. The plague has been one of the most dangerous infective deseases, which has killed more than 100 million people during various historical periods. One of the last plague outbreaks in Europe occurred in Serbia in 1836. and 1837. Since the arrival of the first report on plague outbreak in Turkey, approaching to Serbian borders, prince Miloš Obrenović ordered building of quarantines, situated on main border-passings, and, at the same time, forming of sanitary-police cordons in borderline areas. Inspite of all these efforts, plague entered Serbia, carried by infected Turkish soldiers. Desease spread in counties of Niš, Pirot, Jagodina, Ćuprija, Aleksinac and Valjevo. Unlike other places, the whole population of the town of Jagodina was under quarantine regime and totally isolated. Invited by prince Miloš, dr Karlo Nagy, a very skillful quarantine physician from Zemun, arrived in Serbia. Due to both his efforts and the efforts of local authorities, the spread of plague was stopped in Jagodina. It was the last large outbreak of plague from Asia into Europe, through the Balkans.

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