
Child adoption has been a longstanding practice in several legal traditions throughout human history. The national progression of child adoption has influenced the corresponding legislative modifications. Examining the Legal Framework of Child Adoption within the Context of Jurisprudence This article provides a historical analysis of the progression toward different legal frameworks. The qualitative examination of pertinent literature is predicated on investigating its content. Both individual countries and international organizations are actively engaged in developing legal frameworks that infringe upon children's rights and compromise their best interests. The adoption laws rooted in the penal code within the common law system have limited efficacy in mitigating instances of child abuse. In addition, international declarations, treaties, legal actions, and established norms protect the rights and interests of adopted children. Utilizing these tools is particularly noteworthy within the context of the intercountry adoption procedure. The legal laws pertaining to adoption have undergone significant development in various aspects, including the criteria for adopter eligibility, the requirement of adopter permission, the determination of adoptive family rights, and the establishment of support obligations.

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