
The study was aimed to determine the effect of tapioca flour addition atvarious levels on the quality of chicken sausage. The research was design based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment of tapioca flour addition level were: 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. Data ofsausage quality were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the addition of tapioca flour in the process of chicken sausage making were significantly affect (P <0.05) moisture and protein content, while the fat and ash content were not significantly effected (P> 0.05) by the treatment. The addition of 10% tapioca flour obtained the highest nutritional value of protein (17.67 ± 0.93) % as compared to the other levels.


  • The study was aimed to determine the effect of tapioca flour addition atvarious levels on the quality of chicken sausage

  • The results showed that the addition of tapioca flour in the process of chicken sausage making were significantly affect (P 0.05) by the treatment

  • Pengaruh Perbedaan Komposisi Tepung Tapioka Terhadap Kualitas Bakso Lele

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Materi Penelitian Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah daging ayam, tepung tapioka, sejumlah jenis bumbu-bumbu penyedap rasa dan bahan-bahan kimia untuk analisis kualitas sosis seperti petroleum benzene, K2SO4, CuSO4, H2SO4, H2BO3 3% sebanyak 30 ml, BCG, NaOH 40%, aquadest dan batu didih. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan tepung tapioka dan dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan sosis dengan metode konvensional (Mega, 2010). Kualitas sosis berupa kandungan nilai gizi diukur dengan metode Analisis Proksimat ((AOAC, 2005). Data hasil penelitian berupa kandungan protein, kadar air, lemak dan abu dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa varian berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola searah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak ganda (Duncan Multiple New Range Test) (Steel and Torrie, 2010)

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