
The use of packaging wafer is one way to protect feed from various factors that can cause a decrease in the quality of the stored feed. Storage aims to maintain and preserve stored commodities by avoiding, eliminating various factors that can reduce the quality and quantity of the commodity. This study uses a completely randomized factorial design (5 x 3) with 3 replications. Factor A is the type of packaging consisting of A0 = without packaging, A1 = packaging bags of rice, A2 = packaging bags of plastic, A3 = packaging bags of papers, A4 = packaging bags of sacks. Factor B is the storage time B0 = 0 days B1 = 14 days B2 = 28 days. The parameters were the texture, color, aroma, water absorption, density. The results showed that there was an interaction between different types of packaging and storage duration of the texture, color, aroma and density of the complete wafer skin of fermented cocoa pods with different types of packaging and storage time. The type of rice sack packaging with 14 days storage time produces the best physical wafer quality compared to other treatment combinations seen from the texture of water absorption and density


  • Penggunaan pengemasan dan penyimpanan wafer merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjaga dan mengawetkan komoditas yang disimpan dengan menghindari, dan menghilangkan berbagai faktor yang dapat menurunkan kualitas dan kuantitas komoditas tersebut

  • The results showed that there was an interaction between different types of packaging and storage duration of the texture, color, aroma and density of the complete wafer skin of fermented cocoa pods with different types of packaging and storage time

  • Pengaruh bahan pengemas dan lama simpan terhadap kualitas fisik dan kimia wafer pakan komplit berbasis limbah agroindustri

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Materi penelitian

Materi penelitian yang digunakan dalam pembuatan wafer terdiri atas: limbah kulit buah kakao, tepung jagung, rumput lapang, ampas tahu dan molases. Alat yang digunakan adalah mesin wafer, (suhu 150oC, tekanan 200 kg/cm selama 15 menit), gelas ukur, wadah tempat mencampur ransum, timbangan, plastik, dan karung tempat penyimpanan wafer, mesin grinding (hammer mill). Gambar 1 menunjukkan mesin wafer dan jenis kemasan penyimpanan wafer yang digunakan

Metode penelitian
Prosedur penelitian
Pembuatan wafer
Daya serap air
Tekstur wafer
Tanpa Pengemasan Karung beras Plastik Kertas Goni
Warna wafer
Keterangan Coklat tua Coklat muda Coklat muda Coklat muda Coklat tua
Aroma wafer
Tidak berbau
Daya serap air wafer
Kerapatan wafer
Karung beras
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Paper version not known

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