
The aim of the article is to answer the question about the Polishness of the philosophy of Father Augustyn Jakubisiak, as well as to indicate possible elements and features of such a way of philosophizing. In order to achieve this goal, more important biographical data of Jakubisiak were presented, and his important intellectual and personal relations were pointed out. Important historical events that had an impact on Jakubisiak's overall thoughts were also presented. The main part of the paper is a discussion of the most important assumptions and statements of the philosophy of the Polish priest, as well as an attempt to assess his contacts with his homeland and Polish philosophy. Taking into account Jakubisiak's interests (August Cieszkowski, Józef Hoene-Wroński, the history of Polish philosophical thought), as well as certain permanent ideas appearing in the history of Polish philosophical, theological and social thought, one should consider that Jakubisiak's thought is indigenously Polish, provided that Christian individualism is considered to be specifically Polish.

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