
Intestinal colonization by antigenically foreign microbes necessitates expanded peripheral immune tolerance. Here we show commensal microbiota prime expansion of CD4 Tcells unified by the Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcriptional regulator and an essential role for KLF2+ CD4 cells in averting microbiota-driven intestinal inflammation. CD4 cells with commensal specificity in secondary lymphoid organs and intestinal tissues are enriched for KLF2 expression, and distinct from FOXP3+ regulatory Tcells or other differentiation lineages. Mice with conditional KLF2 deficiency in Tcells develop spontaneous rectal prolapse and intestinal inflammation, phenotypes overturned by eliminating microbiota or reconstituting with donor KLF2+ cells. Activated KLF2+ cells selectively produce IL-10, and eliminating IL-10 overrides their suppressive function invitro and protection against intestinal inflammation invivo. Together with reduced KLF2+ CD4 cell accumulation in Crohn's disease, a necessity for the KLF2+ subpopulation of T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cells in sustaining commensal tolerance is demonstrated.

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