
In the framework of this paper by method of field research the use of colours in jewellery from 2011 until 2015 is researched. In 2014and 2015 a database, where photos of jewellery, as well as information on jewellery and authors of jewellery is stored, which can be used in the Internet, was created. In the database information is stored in six basic groups: author, figures, and data on jewelry, artistically aesthetic appearance, materials used, and techniques. In the system altogether by 22 November 2016 763 photographs of jewellery, made by 116 authors of jewellery were stored. In the basic group “Artistically aesthetic appearance”, information is subdivided into subgroups – subject, composition, colour and volume. In the framework of this paper author analyses data that are accumulated from 2011 until 2015 in the database of jewellery in the subgroup “colour”. In the period from 2011 to 2015 in total 20 types of colors 480 times were registered. In this period, the colours that are most frequently used in jewellery are: silver – marked in 110 instances, white – 46, blue – 45, black – 43 and red color in 37 instances. In the making of jewellery also various brown tones are used. They are present because Latvian jewellery authors favour natural materials such as wood, seed, shells, moss. From statistical aspect in Latvian jewellery, achromatic colour tones such as grey, black and white tones are dominant. Among the chromatic colours, blue and red are the most popular. If colors in Latvian jewellery are studied not from the point of view of frequency of their usage, but from point of view of diversity of settings of chromatic colours, we can draw a conclusion that the authors are using colour triads in jewellery compositions – such as blue together with yellow and red, as well as green together with orange and violet. However, more frequently, only two colours from theses colour settings are used together. In the same way separately in jeweller, settings of cold colours or warm colours are used. Krāsas un krāsu salikumi Latvijas rotās no 2011. līdz 2015. gadam. Lai noteiktu Latvijas rotu krāsu tendences, ar lauku pētījuma metodi pētīti rotu datu bāzē par krāsām reģistrētie dati no 2011. līdz 2015. gadam. Datubāzē kopā reģistrēti 20 krāsu veidi 480 reizes. Sajā laika periodā rotās visvairāk lietotās krāsas ir bijusas sudraba, balta, zila, melna un sarkana krāsa. Skatoties no krāsu salikumu viedokļa, Latvijas rotu autori savās rotu kompozīcijās, iestrādājot dabas materiālus, lietojusi dažādus brūno krāsu toņu salikumus, arī atsevisķi dažādu silto vai vēso toņu salikumus, tāpat izmantotas krāsu triādes, tādas kā oranžais kopā ar violeto un zaļo, kā arī dzeltenais kopā ar zilo un sarkano, vai arī izmantotas tikai divas krāsas no siem salikumiem.

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