
Knowledge representation learning(KRL) transforms knowledge graph(KG) from symbol space to vector space. However, KRL under open world assumption(OWA) is deeply trapped in the dilemma of lack of labels due to difficulty or high cost in labeling. To address this problem, we propose KRL_MLCCL:Multi-Label Classification based on Contrastive Learning(CL) Knowledge Representation Learning method. Specifically, (1)we formalize a problem of solving true knowledge graph objects(KGOs) matchings(KGOMs) under the OWA in the original KGOM sample space(KGOMSS)(multi-label classification with one known true matching(positive-example)). (2)we solve the problem in the new KGOMSS, generated through augmenting the true matching according to CL’s idea(multi-label classification with multiple known true matching). (3)we score the true matchings based on hermitian inner product and softmax and minimize a negative logarithm likelihood loss to establish KRL_MLCCL model preliminarily. (4)we migrate the learned model back to the original KGOMSS to solve the true matching problem. We creatively design and apply a positive-example augmentation way of CL enabling KRL_MLCCL with back migration ability: “pulling KGOs in true matching close and pushing KGOs in false matching away”, which helps KRL out of the labels shortage dilemma faced in modeling. We also propose a negative-example noise filtering algorithm to enhance this ability. The open world entity prediction(OWEP) experiment on dataset FB15K-237-OWE shows that the performance of KRL_MLCCL is increased by 3% in Hits@10 and 1.32% in MRR compared with the state-of-the-art in the baselines. The experiments of OWEP in KG also show that KRL_MLCCL has a better back migration ability.

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