
The global economic crisis of 2008-2010 had an impact on the global economic slowdown. Plus the political crisis in the countries of the Middle East region called the Arab Spring had become the center of world attention, because it also lowers economic conditions and corporate America and in other developing countries. By using daily data price of crude oil, the price of gold and exchange rates as well Rp./USD IDX Composite Index from the year 2010 - 2012, tested the impact of crude oil prices, global gold prices on the Stock Exchange Composite Index. The result was at the time of global economic and political crisis in oil prices and the world gold price positively affects JCI opposed to when normal conditions. When the economic crisis plus the political crisis that led to the oil price increases, the share price (CSPI) on the Stock Exchange also increased. Funds drawn investors from investing in the United States and other developing countries is invested in Indonesia so that stock prices rise along with oil prices and gold prices. While the exchange rate negatively affects Rp./USD JCI Stock Exchange, as a stronger rupiah lead JCI Stock Exchange also increased


  • Abstrak: Krisis ekonomi global tahun 2008-2010 membawa dampak pada menurunnya perekonomian global

  • the political crisis in the countries of the Middle East region called the Arab Spring had become the center of world attention

  • The result was at the time

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Dan nilai yang sering menjadi patokan dalam pasar minyak mentah dunia adalah WTI (West Texas Intermediate) yang diperdagangkan di NYMEX (New York Merchantile Exchange). Penelitian lain yang mendukung dilakukan oleh Sunariyah (2006) yang menemukan bahwa harga emas cendrung mempengaruhi Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan karena harganya stabil dan bebas resiko. Sedangkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Adam dan Tweneboah (2008) pada pasar saham di Ghana dengan menggunakan periode 1991-2007, dijelaskan bahwa depresiasi dari nilai tukar mata uang asing akan berdampak pada naiknya harga barang yang diimpor. Ajayi (2006) melakukan penelitian di Thailand, Hongkong, Singapura, Korea Selatan dan Taiwan dari 6 Januari 1997 – 31 Desember 1999 menemukan bahwa nilai tukar mata uang asing ( Dollar Amerika ) memberikan pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap return saham di Korea Selatan, Singapura dan Thailand. H4 :Harga minyak mentah dunia, harga emas dunia dan nilai tukar IDR/US$ mempengaruhi IHSG saat krisis ekonomi dan politik global

Analisis Regresi Berganda

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