
The aim of the article is to analyze the notion of myth of criminality, a view on the conditions of justice built around stereotypes that are formed in the interaction between the members of society, mass media and the institutions of power. The author attempts to develop the analysis on a few levels giving special attention to issue of death penalty in Lithuanian society: the relation between social understanding of the conditions of justice and the reality of justice; the role of the mass media and institutions of power in constructing knowledge of the crime situation; the way that the myths depict the situation; the main features of myth of criminality; the functions of myth of criminality in social life. The author argues that the task of conceptualizing the process of the formation of myths of criminality cannot be separated from the critique of those myths. Yet, the risk of recreating the myths in other forms requires to understand the development of the critique as a reflexive task.


  • Esmine straipsnyje nagrinejama problema -kriminaliniy mity samprata, savybes, funkcijos, padariniai

  • Paradoksalu, tatiau net ir patys teisesaugos pareigiinai neretai link$ palaikyti tq kriminogenines situacijos jvaizdj, kurj kuria iiniasklaidos priemones

  • Dar vienas mirties bausmes mito padarinys yra tas, kad jis trukdo moksliniam nusikaltimy tyrimui

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Pagrindiniai mitq teorijq akcentai

Pagrindinis jq darbq tikslas - suvokti, paaiSkinti mitq kilmq, paCius mitus traktuojant kaip nemokslinius socialines veiklos ir institucijy paaiikinimus. C.LeviStrauss'as, pasiremdamas struktiirines lingvistikos perspektyva, mitus traktavo kaip ienklq sistemas. Kaip ir tradicines antropologijos atstovai, tyrinejo primityviq visuomeniq mitus. TaCiau struktiirine mitq analize gali biiti sekmingai taikoma ir tiriant moderniqsias industrines visuomenes. Tai jrodo pranciizq mokslininko R.Barhtes'o, visuomenes tyrime sekmingai derinusio sociologijq, semiologijq, struktiirinq antropologijq, literatiiros kritikq, darbai. Siuolaikines visuomenes mitai pasakoja apie vyriikumq ir moterigkumq, mokslq, sekmq, Seimq,pagaliau apie policijq, nusikaltimus. PrieS pradedama kalbeti apie miisq visuomeneje egzistuojanCius socialinius mitus apie teisetvarkq ir nusikaltimus, noreCiau plaCiau aptarti dviejq autoriq - C.Levi-Strauss'o. (struktiirines antropologijos pradininko) ir R.Barthes'o (vieno rySkiausiy socialiniy mity tyrinetojy) - mito sampratas bei jy siiilomus mity analizes biidus

Mito samprata
Mitq struktiira i
11. Nusikaltimas h i p mito objektas
Kriminaliniy mity kiirejai
Kriminaliniy mity kiirimas
Kriminaliniy mity padariniai ir jy iveilumas
Mirties bausmes mito strukttira
Mirties bausmes mito funkcijos
Mirties bausmes mito padariniai
Full Text
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