
On April 23, 2017 at 06h 37m UTC, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw=5.1 was registered in the foothills of the Yuzhno-Kamyshovy Ridge of the Krillon Peninsula. This earthquake was the strongest on Sakhalin Island in 2017. The earthquake parameters were determined according to the data of the Sakhalin branch of the Geophysical Survey RAS regional network with the use of data from the global IRIS Network (GSN) and stations of Hokkaido University. The obtained earthquake parameters according to the regional network are consistent with the data of international seismological centers. The maximum intensity of shaking from the earthquake on April 23, 2017 in the settlements of Southern Sakhalin was I=4 on the MSK-64 scale, on the Hokkaido Island – I=II on the JMA scale. The displacement in the earthquake foci was realized under conditions of near-horizontal sublatitudinal compression. The type of seismic dislocation is a reverse fault. The use of data from the seismic stations of the local network of Southern Sakhalin allowed analyzing the seismic regime in the epicentral zone of the Krillon earthquake.

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