
Over the recent decades, Topology Optimization (TO) has become an important tool in the design and analysis of mechanical structures. Although structural TO is already used in many industrial applications, it needs much more investigation in the context of vehicle crashworthiness. Indeed, crashworthiness optimization problems present strong nonlinearities and discontinuities, and gradient-based methods are of limited use. The aim of this work is to present an in-depth analysis of the novel Kriging-Assisted Level Set Method (KG-LSM) for TO. It is based on an adaptive optimization strategy using the Kriging surrogate model and a modified version of the Expected Improvement (EI) as the update criterion, which allows for embedding opportune constraints. The adopted representation using Moving Morphable Components (MMCs) significantly reduces the dimensionality of the problem, enabling an efficient use of surrogate-based optimization techniques. A minimum compliance cantilever beam test case of different dimensionalities is used to validate the presented strategy, as well as identify its potential and limits. The method is then applied to a 2D crash test case, involving a cylindrical pole impact on a rectangular beam fixed at both ends. Compared to the state-of-the-art Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), the KG-LSM optimization algorithm demonstrates to be efficient in terms of convergence speed and performance of the optimized designs.

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