
Cities are not only places where problems such as migration, unemployment, air pollu-tion, crime, and climate change arise, but also where many problems find solutions. After a literature review on the global city, smart sustainable city, and smart sustainab-le city indicators, this research examined and compared New York and Istanbul based on certain indicators. The study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, commona-lities, and differences between cities. The performance of cities can be compared by ranking them according to different indicators. Ranking the cities can also enable them to monitor their development in different areas over the years. However, a rank-based performance comparison alone may limit a deeper view of cities' commonalities, diffe-rences, opportunities, and weaknesses. Therefore, this study examines the areas of development of New York and Istanbul from a smart sustainable city perspective, taking into account eleven different indicators including population, economy, educa-tion, energy, health, security, internet, job opportunities, transportation, water, and waste management.

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