
Incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs) into recommender systems to provide explainable recommendation has attracted much attention recently. The multi-hop paths in KGs can provide auxiliary facts for improving recommendation performance as well as explainability. However, existing studies may suffer from two major challenges: error propagation and weak explainability. Considering all paths between every user-item pair might involve irrelevant ones, which leads to error propagation of user preferences. Defining meta-paths might alleviate the error propagation, but the recommendation performance would heavily depend on the pre-defined meta-paths. Some recent methods based on graph convolution network (GCN) achieve better recommendation performance, but fail to provide explainability. To tackle the above problems, we propose a novel method named K nowledge-aware R easoning with G raph C onvolution N etwork (KR-GCN). Specifically, to alleviate the effect of error propagation, we design a transition-based method to determine the triple-level scores and utilize nucleus sampling to select triples within the paths between every user-item pair adaptively. To improve the recommendation performance and guarantee the diversity of explanations, user-item interactions and knowledge graphs are integrated into a heterogeneous graph, which is performed with the graph convolution network. A path-level self-attention mechanism is adopted to discriminate the contributions of different selected paths and predict the interaction probability, which improves the relevance of the final explanation. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world datasets show that KR-GCN consistently outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines. And human evaluation proves the superiority of KR-GCN on explainability.

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