
Ozet: Bu calismanin amaci, koyunlarda subklinik mastitisin insidansini, etiyolojisini ve subklinik mastitis sonucu sutteki klor (Cl - ), sodyum (Na + ), ALP, LDH ve NA-Gaz duzeyindeki, SHS ve CMT skorlarindaki degisimleri tespit etmektir. Orneklerin %5.5'inde koagulaz negatif stafilokoklar izole edildi. Subklinik mastitisin prevalansi %6.5 seviyesinde belirlendi. Normal ornekler- deki CMT sonuclari degisken bulundu. Somatik hucre sayisi subklinik mastitisli orneklerde 300.000-1.000.000 ve normal orneklerde ≤300.000 saptandi. Subklinik mastitisli orneklerde Na + ve Cl - duzeyleri sirasiyla 56.26 ve 47.13 mg/dl, normal orneklerde ise 78.65 ve 72.67 mg/dl bulundu. Normal sut orneklerinde ALP, LDH ve NA-Gaz duzeyleri sirasiyla 110.12, 65.60 ve 23.51 U/L, subklinik mastitisli orneklerde sirasiyla 194.69, 452.23 ve 79.38 U/L tespit edildi. Normal ve subklinik mastitisli orneklerin SHS ve biyokim- yasal sonuclarinin istatistiki degerlendirmesinde iki grup arasindaki fark p<0.001 seviyesinde belirlendi. Sonucta; sunulan calisma gostermektedir ki, koyunlarda subklinik mastitislerde CMT'nin sinirli bir diagnostik degeri vardir. Koagulaz negatif stafilokoklar subklinik mastitislerin yaygin nedenidir. Subklinik mastitisli memelerden alinan sutlerde ALP, LDH ve NA-Gaz aktivitesindeki ve Na + , Cl - duzeyindeki artislar koyunlarda mastitis indikatoru olarak kullanilabilir. Anahtar sozcukler: Biyokimyasal profil, CMT, koyun, SHS, subklinik mastitis. Detection of subclinical mastitis by clinical, microbiological and biochemical methods in sheep Summary: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and aetiology of subclinical ovine mastitis in Kirikkale and to study the changes occurring in the level of chlorine, sodium, ALP, LDH and NA-Gase, SCC and California Mastitis Test (CMT) scores in milk as a result of subclinical mastitis in 200 sheep. Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated in 5.5% of the milk samples. The period insidence of subclinical mastitis was detected as 6,5%. Milk samples from noninfected udder halves were found to have variable CMT scores. In milk samples bacteriologically positive , SCC was measured as 300.000-1.000.000 and in milk samples bacteriologically negative ≤300.000. In bacteriologically negative milk samples, the sodium and clorine levels were measured as 56.26 and 47.13 mg/dl respectively while they were found to be 78.65 and 72.67 mg/dl in the bacteriological positive milk samples. In milk from healthy udders, ALP, LDH and NA-Gase enzymes activities were measured as 110.12, 65.60 and 23.51 U/L respectively while they were found to be 194.69, 452.23 and 79.38 U/L in milk from subclinical mastitic udders. The difference between the samples from normal and subclinical mastitis for SCC and biochemical parameters were found to be statistically significant at the level of p<0.001. In conclusion; the present study indicated that, the CMT has limited diagnostic value for subclinical mastitis in ewes. Coagulase negative staphylococci are the predominant cause of subclinical mastitis. The higher ALP, LDH and NA-Gase activities and Na + and Cl - levels in milk from subclinical mastitic udders appears to be an indicator of intramammary infection of ewes.

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