
We examine an unstudied manuscript of N.S. Koshliakov over 150 pages long and containing the theory of two interesting generalizations ζp(s) and ηp(s) of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s), which we call Koshliakov zeta functions. His theory has its genesis in a problem in the analytical theory of heat distribution which was analyzed by him. In this paper, we further build upon his theory and obtain two new modular relations in the setting of Koshliakov zeta functions, each of which gives an infinite family of identities, one for each p∈R+. The first one is a generalization of Ramanujan's famous formula for ζ(2m+1) and the second is an elegant extension of a modular relation on page 220 of Ramanujan's Lost Notebook. Several interesting corollaries and applications of these modular relations are obtained including a new representation for ζ(4m+3).

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