
Short‐term effect of severe drought on veld condition and water use efficiency of grassveld in the central Orange Free State. The impact of an intensive drought (1982/1983 and 1983/84‐growing seasons) on botanical composition, basal cover, mortality of grazing plants and water use efficiency (WUE) of veld in good, moderate and poor condition was identified. Increaser II species were apparently more capable of surviving drought than the Decreaser species. Under optimal soil moisture conditions the Decreaser species increased and the Increaser II species decreased. During the drought extensive grass mortality took place. Veld condition plays an important role in determining mortality during drought. Decreaser species have a high water requirement for optimal WUE, while Increaser II species can reach maximum WUE with less water. Under water stress conditions Increaser II species significantly (P≤0.01) do not use the water as efficiently as do Decreaser species. The WUE under water stress conditions for veld ...

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