
The works of K.I. Chukovsky, dedicated to the great English playwright Shakespeare («Combat with Shakespeare» (1935), «Crippled Shakespeare» (1939), «Translations of Shakespeare (On the method of Shakespeare’s translation) » (1946), etc.), became an important page in literary critical reception of Shakespeare in Russia. K.I. Chukovsky related the reason for the change in the ideological concept of Shakespeare’s works by Russian translators not only with public perceptions in Russia, but also with the quality of French and German adaptations of the works of the English playwright that came into Russian literature. From the analysis of various works of Shakespeare K.I. Chukovsky used examples to prove the degree of distortion of the meaning of the work due to literal adherence to the ideas about the maximum correspondence between the external organization of the translation and the original. This article aims to analyze the reception of the Russian translation of Shakespeare from the gaze of K.I. Chukovsky.

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