
The Correspondence between the Armenian Catholic Archbishop Józef Teodorowicz and the Polish Primate Cardinal August Hlond in the years 1924-1938 Cardinal August Hlond (1881-1948) and Archbishop Józef Teodorowicz (1864-1938) are notable representatives of the Polish Episcopate of the first half of the 20th century. They were men of extraordinary abilities, spiritual and intellectual values and organizational skills. As devout shepherds and great patriots, they took an active part in public life. Their letters, which constitute the main subject of this edit, illustrate the comprehensive and multi-layered involvement of both hierarchs in the area of Church and state, as well as their intense mutual cooperation. The article raises a number of issues, mainly concerning the problems of the Catholic Church in Poland at that time, i.e. the establishment of the Catholic News Agency, the work to create the facilities of the Catholic Action and their activities, the Catholic press in Poland, religious ceremonies, the education reform, catechisation, religious congregations, and the work of the episcopacy: the agenda, pastoral letters, activities of individual committees, etc. In addition, the letters provide information on the position of the two hierarchs on the parliamentary elections and the political situation in Poland, and also on the dispute between Archbishop Teodorowicz and the Jesuit Paweł Siwek about the Catholic mystic Therese Neumann of Konnersreuth.

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