
Anemia in pregnancy is potentially harmful to the mother and child. Based Riskesdas 2013 the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia amounted to 37.1%, this indicates the incidence of pregnancy anemia in Indonesia is still quite high, this study aims to Know the knowledge before and after getting a health education about the link between diet and the incidence of high risk in pregnancy puskesmass District, Ciputat timur.Metode this research is descriptive analysis with cross sectional study design. Location of the research conducted at the health center subdistrict, Ciputat east, Rengas, Pisangan, Pondok Ranji. Samples in this study were 84 maternal sample is taken by accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire and book ANC. Data analysis using Chi Square Results of the study of 84 pregnant women, obtained 20.9% experienced anemia There is a significant correlation between regularity of the diet and the incidence of anemia, with p value 0.002. There is a significant relationship between the processing of foodstuffs with anemia, with p value 0,007. There is a significant relationship between the type of food in consumption with anemia, with p value 0.002.Keyword: Diet, Anemia, Pregnancy

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