
This study aims to determine whether there is a correlation between the pedagogical competence of Islamic Education Teachers and the learning motivation of students in Islamic Education subjects in inclusive schools at SMP IT Nidaul Hikmah, Salatiga in the academic year 2018/2019. The subjects in this study were 62 students of class VII B and VIII B including students with special needs with disabilities and learning difficulties (slow learner). This approach of research is a quantitative correlation. The method used to obtain data or information by using a questionnaire or questionnaire sheet. The analysis used in this research is using descriptive analysis and the product-moment correlation hypothesis testing which is assisted by the application program SPSS version 25.00. The results of this study showed that the pedagogical competence of Islamic Education teachers in the very low category was 3.2%, the low category was 27.9%, the moderate category was 48.4% and the high category was 20.9%. The learning motivation of students in the Islamic Education subject in the very low category was 27.4%, the low category was 27.4%, the moderate category was 33.9% and the high category was 11.3%. The correlation between Islamic Education teacher pedagogical competence and learning motivation in the Islamic Education subjects based on the calculation of the correlation stated that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted with the value of > r table with 0.495 > 0.244. Indicated that the correlation between the Islamic Education teacher pedagogical competence and students learning motivation in Islamic Education subjects has a positive moderate category and significant correlation.

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