
Curriculum 2013 as a curriculum that emphasizes the three domains of learning strongly supports the ability to solve problems. One of the capabilities that must be prepared in this century is the ability of high-level thinking is an important ability as part of the process of problem solving. This study aims to determine the ability of high-level thinking at Level I decision-making stage before entering the stage of problem solving, that is how the correlation of the application of Inquiri-Humanistic POE model (variable x) to the thinking ability of high level I in the decision making stage (variable II). This study uses the application of inquiry-humanistic POE model as a solution in solving the problems faced by physics education students. The subjects of the study used one group of subjects without any comparison, namely the second semester students of physics education courses in the Physics Basic lab course. This research is a pre experimental study of pretest-posttest one-group design supported by qualitative-descriptive approach. The research data is conducted using observation and test of high-order thinking ability (pretest end posttest). The results showed that the application of inquire-humanistic POE model correlated 0.307% to the ability of high level thinking level I in the decision making stage. It is expected that the next level can be measured significantly with the implementation of inquiry-humanistic POE model


  • Kurikulum 2013 sebagi pelopor pen didikan karekter menjadi pendongkrak pendidik an di Indonesia

  • This study aims to determine the ability of high-level thinking at Level I decision-making stage before entering the stage of problem solving, that is how the correlation of the application of InquiriHumanistic POE model (variable x) to the thinking ability of high level I in the decision making stage (variable II)

  • The results showed that the application of inquire-humanistic POE model correlated 0.307% to the ability of high level thinking level I in the decision making stage

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Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif yang didukung oleh pendekatan kualitatif-deskripsi, yaitu penelitian Pre experimental pretestposttest one group design (arikunto, 2002; Pratiwi dan Nurhidayati, 2017). Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar korelasi atau hubungan antara imple mentasi model POE berbasis Inkuiri-Humanistik dengan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau HOT level I dan mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi level I pada praktikum fisika dasar. Varibel dalam penelitian ini yaitu variabel bebas (independent variable) adalah (Sugiyono, 2009; Mundir, 2013) (X) yaitu implementasi model POE berbasis Inquiri-Humanistik. Tahap I Inkuiri Tune In, dengan indikator: Membuat Hipotesis Prediksi hasil paraktikum (Soal No 4 HOT) 2) Tahap II “ Observe” Tahap II Inkuiri Focus Question dan Tahap III Inkuiri Prepare Inquiri, dengan indikator: Mahasiswa melakukan eksperimen/praktikum dengan aktif sesuai dengan prosedur (Observasi) dengan penilaian sebagai berikut: a) Nilai 4 Melakukan eksperimen dengan kepahaman. Analisis data kuantitatif berasal dari lembar tes tahapan model POE berbasis InkuiriHumanistik dilakukan dengan cara men distribusikan skor dan menghitung rentang penilaian pada skala kemampuan HOT level I yang disesuaikan dengan banyaknya indikator penilaian menggunakan skala linkert (Sudirman, 2012). Pengujian efektifitas mplementasi model POE berbasis InkuiriHumanistik pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis parametrik komparasi T-test of Related atau uji T berkorelasi (uji banding berkorelasi) dihitung dengan SPSS 16

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