
A patient had central fever following pontine hemorrhage. Central hyperthermia caused by stroke is a rare case, and it is difficult to control. There are few case reports about central hyperthermia in Korean medical treatment (KMT). The patient suffered central hyperthermia accompanied by tachycardia, dyspnea, and irritability. However, there was no evidence of infection. Thus, hypnotics, sedatives, and a minor tranquilizer (Lorazepam and Midazolam) was prescribed. Despite a temperature peak of 39.9 °C, most of the symptoms were alleviated. The patient’s average body temperature was about 37 °C, which is higher than most people at 36.5 °C. His symptoms were diagnosed as ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang (肝陽上亢), and the patient was prescribed Shihogayonggolmoryo-tang. During the 44 days of KMT, there was no change in his average body temperature and no central hyperthermia over 39 °C. This case report demonstrates the possibility of controlling central hyperthermia caused by pontine hemorrhage using KMT. Keywords: central hyperthermia, ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang, pontine hemorrhage, Korean medical treatment, case report

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