
This research aims to know the economic contributions in Batubulan village of Center by Bali. This research was conducted at the Balinese Souvenirs Centre and at Batubulan village environment, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The scope in this research is the economic contributions such as labour absorption, development of other economic structure due to the Balinese Souvenirs Center, village incomeData collection techniques used included observation, structured interview, and documentary method. The technique of determination of informants used is purposive sampling. Descriptive qualitative used to analyze the data. In this study, the first thing is data collection. After getting all data, the next step is to conduct discussions and make conclusions. The overall attempt to capture the realities in the field in according with the research and we strive to earn the meaning so that it can be known to the social impact of economic center by Bali against local communities Batubulan village and its absorption of labor from local communities Batubulan village.
 The presence of the Bali souvenirs center in Batubulan village gives contributions for people in Batubulan village. In terms of the absorption of local product is still low because the craft of stone and sculpture cannot be marketed in Bali Souvenirs Centre. The existence of the Bali souvenirs center also gave rise to local hawkers who made this profession as a sideline. Besides the opening of employment at Bali souvenirs center also came Bali citizens also features from outside Bali so gave effort to boarding houses a business opportunity for the villagers. Bali souvenirs center also gave contribution to Batubulan village, traditional village, Banjar, and youth organizations in it.
 Keywords: Local Villagers, Contribution, Economy


  • Pulau Bali sudah menjadi tolak ukur perkembangan pariwisata nasional

  • This research aims to know the economic contributions in Batubulan village of Center by Bali

  • This research was conducted at the Balinese Souvenirs Centre and at Batubulan village environment, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency

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Pulau Bali sudah menjadi tolak ukur perkembangan pariwisata nasional. Pulau kecil ini tidak hanya terkenal di dalam negeri tetapi juga di mancanegara. Untuk menampung banyaknya wisatawan tersebut, perkembangan pariwisata Bali harus memperhatikan segi sarana prasarana yang menjadi pendukung pariwisata itu sendiri. Cinderamata menjadi sebuah tanda mata atau oleh-oleh yang dibawa wisatawan ke rumahnya sebagai kenangan yang terkait dengan daerah yang dikunjunginya. Apalagi sekarang sudah bermunculan toko souvenir yang menyediakan beragam buah tangan suatu daerah dengan skala besar yang dapat kita kenal sekarang sebagai pusat atau pasar oleh-oleh. Disana terdapat empat pusat oleh-oleh khas Bali yang cukup besar dan sering kedatangan wisatawan mancanegara dan domestik. Desa Batubulan yang awalnya terkenal dengan seni patung dan pertunjukkan Barongnya kini juga menjadi tempat berburu oleh-oleh khas Bali. Sebagai suatu aktivitas dinamis pariwisata memerlukan kajian terus menerus yang juga harus dinamis, sehingga pembangunan pariwisata bisa memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia, khususnya masyarakat lokal (Pitana dan Gayatri 2005:34).

METODE PENELITIAN Lokasi penelitian ini terletak di desa
Banjar yang ada di Desa Batubulan
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