
Truancy is an action of missing full day school or skipping certain classes during school hours. It is considered as a non-adaptive behaviour that needs serious attention. Truancy is affected by several factors. Some of the factors are (1) family in which parents give lack of support to their children in learning and, (2) individual involving the students’ perception on learning discipline. This research is intended to describe: (1) the parents’ support, (2) the students’ perception toward learning discipline, (3) truancy behaviour, and to test, (4) the contribution of the parents’ support toward truancy behaviour, (5) the contribution of the students’ perception on learning discipline toward truancy behaviour, and (6) the contribution of the parents’ support and the students’ perception on learning discipline simultaneously toward truancy behaviour. This research applied quantitative method and descriptive correlational design. The population of the research was 533 students in class X and XI of SMAN 8 Padang. Of the population, 229 were taken as the sample. They were chosen by using Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. The instrument of the research was a scale of Likert model. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, simple regression and multiple regression. The research findings show that: (1) on average, the parents’ support is in high category, (2) the students’ perception on learning discipline is in positive category, (3) the truancy behaviour is in average category, (4) the parents’ support contributed 6,2% (R= 0.249 on significance level 0.000) toward truancy behaviour, (5) the students’ perception on learning discipline contributed 10.9% (R= 0.331 on significance level 0.000) toward truancy behaviour, and (6) simultaneously, the parents’ support and the students’ perception on learning discipline contributed 12.7% (R= 0.356 on significance level 0.000) toward truancy behaviour. The implication of the research findings is expected to be used as an analysis on the students’ need in designing Guidance and Counselling program at SMAN 8 Padang.


  • Kenakalan siswa merupakan suatu bentuk perilaku siswa yang menyimpang dari aturan sekolah

  • Selanjutnya, Lasater & Robinson (2004:5) menjelaskan “Truancy is defined as an absence from school that is not excused by the parent/ guardian or the school

  • The specific number of unexcused absence required before a student is labeled a chronic truant varies according to state law”

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Kontribusi Dukungan Orangtua terhadap Perilaku Membolos

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan orangtua berhubungan secara signifikan dengan perilaku membolos. Temuan ini diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan, membuktikan bahwa terdapat kontribusi dukungan orangtua (X1) terhadap perilaku membolos (Y) sebesar 24.9% dengan sumbangan 6.2%. Artinya dukungan orangtua merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku membolos siswa. Bahwa dukungan orangtua berkorelasi negatif maksudnya semakin tinggi dukungan orangtua semakin rendah pula intensitas perilaku membolos siswa. Hal ini berarti dukungan orangtua menentukan tinggi rendahnya perilaku membolos siswa. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa pentingnya dukungan orangtua dalam proses belajar untuk mengurangi perilaku membolos siswa. Guru BK dan orangtua bekerjasama dalam mengurangi perilaku membolos yang dilakukan siswa. Sehingga orangtua dan Guru BK bersama-sama memantau perkembangan siswa di dalam proses belajar baik di sekolah maupun di rumah. Seperti; layanan informasi dan layanan konsultasi kepada orangtua siswa

Kontribusi Persepsi Siswa tentang DisiplinBelajar terhadap Perilaku Membolos
Dukungan Orangtua
Persepsi Siswa tentang Disiplin Belajar
Perilaku Membolos
Kontribusi Persepsi Siswa tentang Disiplin Belajar terhadap Perilaku Membolos
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