
Language as the primary means of communication has been developing for centuries. Each unit within a language, starting from sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, has been changed and harmonized with norms, reforms, and modern linguistic theories. Linguistic theories, which have been adopted and proposed, are part of the framework of language science. As the science of language dates back to ancient times, different terms were used for the mentioned field. Today, the science that delves into the research, influence, and shaping of a language is linguistics. This research aims to display the part of linguistics that deals with the study of word formation and its processes. The paper is based on a theoretical and practical presentation of the basic morphological processes of the English language, derivation and inflection. Special attention is paid to conversion and back-formation. Furthermore, the paper sheds light on the role of the morphological notions of root, stem, and base. Not only does the paper examine the morphological notions, but it also compares and contrasts the above-stated processes within English and Serbian languages relying on contrastive analysis. The main goal is to establish the degree of equivalence of word-formation processes between the two languages. The obtained results indicate that certain morphological processes of the two languages posess direct equivalents, but some do not share complete or direct equivalence.

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