
Contextualization of theology is no longer optional but is the essence of theology itself. One of the contextualization spaces is the cultural tradition of the community. In the Kei community in Maluku Province, various traditions contain theological elements that form theological contextualization. This study aims to find the theological aspects of the Sacrament of Penance in a Kei cultural practice known as Sob Lor. The method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method with a semiotic approach. The data described were collected through literature review and in-depth interviews at Kei. This study succeeded in finding a meeting point between the sacrament of penance and the Sob Lor tradition in the Kei community. The sacrament of penance aims to improve the sinner's relationship with the Church due to sin. At the same time, the Sob Lor tradition or village cleansing rite is primarily a cleansing due to violations of customary law. This study found four theological elements of the Sacrament of Penance contained in the Sob Lor ritual: Allah, Sin, the conditions of forgiveness, and the results of participation in the rite. These four things meet each other between the theological concept of the sacrament of penance with the Sob Lor tradition. Thus, the meeting point of the Catholic faith tradition and the Kei culture can be material to deepen and increase the Catholic faith.


  • Semangat Gereja yang mendunia kini semakin marak mewarnai realisasi perutusan Gereja-Gereja Kristen, termasuk Gereja Katolik

  • This study aims to find the theological aspects of the Sacrament of Penance in a Kei cultural practice known as Sob Lor

  • This study found four theological elements of the Sacrament of Penance contained in the Sob Lor ritual: Allah, Sin, the conditions of forgiveness, and the results of participation in the rite

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Telaah Pustaka

Telah terdapat sejumlah penelitian tentang budaya Kei, khususnya Larvul Ngabal yang merupakan hukum yang mengatur kehidupan orang Kei, yang mengandung nilai-nilai luhur yang didukung baik oleh hukum negara maupun oleh aturan-aturan agama. Para peneliti tentang budaya Kei umumnya memberikan tekanan kepada hukum adat Larvul Ngabal sebagai asas yang menginspirasi baik bagi berbagai praktik budaya maupun tatanan peri kehidupan. Malah arah peneliti terdahulu tersebut masih membuka peluang untuk meneliti lebih lanjut tentang budaya Kei. Ada yang menyerahkan kajian ilmiah dan teoretis lebih lanjut kepada para ilmuan (Silibun, 2020: 14). Ada pula yang membuka peluang bagi aplikasinya di tengah-tengah kehidupan sebagai bagian dari usaha pelestarian kearifan lokal (Ohoitimur, 1996: 38). Kekhasan penelitian ini adalah menyoroti praktik Sob Lor yang merupakan salah satu aspek khusus dalam budaya Kei (yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan norma-norma dalam hukum Larvul Ngaba) sambil menghubungkannya dengan Sakramen Tobat yang merupakan ajaran iman Katolik

Kerangka Teori
Hanya Allah Yang Mengampuni Dosa
Pelaksanaan Sob Lor
Budaya Kei
Iman Katolik
Pandangan Budaya Kei dan Iman Katolik
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