
The article analyzes the role of the Constitution in the implementation of reforms provided for in the country’s development strategy, as well as the importance of constitutional culture in a clear and strict implementation of legislation, in strengthening executive discipline in government bodies, reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of its essence and content. The formation of a positive constitutional culture in our country is reflected, on the one hand, in the activities of law enforcement agencies, officials, and social structures, as well as in the mechanisms of protection of the Constitution and laws, the executive discipline of officials and individuals. It is important that each employee performs his or her duties conscientiously, qualitatively and responsibly. Therefore, strict requirements and evaluation criteria are being strengthened to implement modern management methods, improve the forms of control and increase the personal responsibility of heads of government agencies to ensure the implementation of the assigned tasks. Our large-scale reforms, carried out in strict accordance with the Constitution, will be an important basis for strengthening national statehood and sovereignty, ensuring an environment of stability and law and order, the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance.

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