
In Islamic law marriage had been regulated in the Qur'an which can maintain its substance following the changing times, the failure in mu'amalah experienced by Muslims was not caused by the teachings written in the Qur'an, but because of an incomprehensible understanding of the meaning. The teachings of Islam did not find their relevance. In the context of marriage, it's just a matter of how we as Muslims carry it out, marriage was a sunnatullah that generally applies to humans, animals, and plants, this was following the word of God in QS. Adz-Dzariyat: 49 This means: "And everything we created in pairs so that you remember the greatness of Allah." it becomes clear the way of life of all creatures and the goal of a peaceful life will be realized. The socio-cultural process also continues to accompany the journey of human life which sometimes made people forget the existing rules it raised problems that must be faced. The researcher examines the practice of mut'ah marriage from a socio-legal point of view but this study focuses more on the sociology of Islamic law because it was more in touch with the ethical and moral values ​​of humanity.

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