
<p>Islamic economy is an economic system that stand on the principle of justice, where shared<br />profits and welfare, not personal gain, are the main goal. In the Islamic economic system, the<br />principles are: first, getting down to the economy is to meet basic needs in order to worship<br />and to thank Allah SWT; second, setting the real sector in motion to get the currency in<br />circulation so that no one would be able to accumulate wealth as much as they wish. The<br />phenomenon of Islamic economic revival in the era of globalization plays a very important role<br />in dealing with the global economic and financial crisis. The government as a regulator has an<br />important to achieve the goals of Islamic economy. The goal is falah, which can be achieved<br />through maslahah optimization. Therefore, with mandate from Allah SWT and the community,<br />the government’s role in general is to bring what is good for the whole community. There is a<br />need to observe a number of driving factors behind the Islamic economy revival in the era of<br />globalization. The first driving factor is the people’s awareness. The ummah plays double roles<br />as object and subjec of Islamic economy development. Second, human resources, in term of<br />quantity and quality. Three qualifications of human resources are required to set the Islamic<br />economy in motion. They are kafa’ah (expertise), himmah (work ethics) and amanah<br />(trustworthy). Third, self-reliance of the ummah, that is, the need to change the mindset of<br />Muslims in regard to Islam with sharia values. Fourth, the need for an institutionand support,<br />complete and conducive system. Fifth, the role and government policy in the development of<br />Islamic economic system, the support of People’s House of Representatives [DPR] are<br />immensely important. The government agencies and legislative institution cooperate with<br />officials in working for the National Sharia Council / DSN-MUI.<br />Keywords: Islamic economy, globalization, syaria bank, Indonesia, policy.</p>

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