
This research aims to examine the environmental conservation system based on local wisdom in Tigawasa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency which is one of the villages belonging to the Bali Aga or Bali Kuna Village in Bali. The problems in this study focused on local forms of wisdom related to forest conservation and their implications for ecological and economic aspects. The theory used in this research is the interpretive theory by Connie Geertz and the etnoecological approach by Conklin and Frake. The concept used in this research is conservation, forest and local wisdom. The research method used is qualitative method, with complete data of observation, interview, literature study and document examination. The results of the research revealed that the conservation activities of customary forests conducted by the people of Tigawasa Village are based on the local wisdoms of the ancestors that are still maintained. These local wisdoms include community conceptions of the existence of forest areas, the myths that develop in the community, forest-related ritual practices and written and non-written regulations on customary forests. Tigawasa Village community considers that the customary forest in the village is a sacred area that should not be entered or utilized other than for the purposes of traditional ceremonies, so that the forest ecosystem is maintained. The implications of forest conservation based on local wisdom are the preservation of the environment of the local forest and the development of economic opportunities in the form of forest management as an ecotourism attraction.


  • The problems in this study focused on local forms of wisdom related to forest conservation and their implications for ecological and economic aspects

  • Sari, Anggun Devi. 2011, Etnoekologi Masyarakat Kerinci Di Kabupaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi, tesis, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

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Isu lingkungan saat ini telah menjadi isu global sejalan dengan kian meningkatnya masalah-masalah lingkungan yang melanda berbagai negara di dunia. Organisasi lingkungan global yang memiliki tujuan untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan atau yang biasa disebut dengan Greenpeace, mengatakan salah satu faktor utama penyebab perubahan iklim ialah akibat adanya penggundulan hutan atau deforestasi yang dapat melepas gas rumah kaca dalam jumlah sangat besar sehingga menyumbang terjadinya perubahan iklim yang berbahaya. Desa Tigawasa merupakan salah satu desa Bali Aga yang sampai saat ini masih memelihara tradisi dan nilai-nilai tradisional yang telah diwarisi secara turun-temurun mengenai berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakatnya, salah satunya ialah lingkungan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari eksistensi politis dan sosiologis yang diperankan oleh desa adat dalam memajukan maupun mempertahankan nilai-nilai kultural masyarakat setempat (Putri, 2015: 4). B. Untuk menjabarkan implikasi yang timbul dengan adanya konservasi hutan berbasis kearifan lokal di Desa Tigawasa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah : observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan serta bahan dokumen

Keberadaan Hutan Adat di Desa
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