
The Malays have long utilized natural resources to meet their daily basic needs. Natural resources serve as the basis not only in nutrition, medicine, and equipment but also the basis of inspiration in Malay art. It begins with careful observation and reasoning and then the natural resources are utilized wisely by the Malays. Since most of them live in villages, life is well integrated with the rural environment such as plants, and other various natural elements. With the concept of hometown, they make nature to fulfill their economic and social functions and, also to fill the gap between ethical and aesthetical values, for cultural development. This paper discusses the concept of mimesis or imitation by Malay artisans in the production of art and design motifs. The objective of this study was to document the concept of mimesis in the production of Malay art. There are many art and design motifs that are sourced from nature. It is based on the process of imitation is found in songket weaving motifs, weaving, batik, wood carving, telepuk and others. The research of this study is based on observation methods and interviews with individuals and cultural expert figures. It is hoped that every Malay art will continue to be appreciated and understood as a rich artistic heritage with its values and philosophy that support the community and the culture. The essence of such methodology or procedure is to highlight nature as the source of aspiration and inspiration of art treasures that will ensure the greatness of the Malay art universally.


  • Orang Melayu telah sekian lama menggunakan sumber alam bagi memenuhi keperluan asas seharian mereka

  • Natural resources serve as the basis in nutrition, medicine, and equipment and the basis of inspiration in Malay art

  • It begins with careful observation and reasoning and the natural resources are utilized wisely by the Malays

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Konsep Mimesis Dalam Seni Melayu

Perubatan, dan peralatan, alam turut dijadikan sumber atau asas inspirasi dalam memperkembangkan seni orang Melayu. Dipagari dengan konsep kampung halaman, mereka tidak menjadikan alam hanya sebagai memenuhi fungsi ekonomi dan sosial semata-mata tetapi turut mengisi ruang keseimbangan nilai etika,dan estetika bagi tujuan pembangunan seni budaya. Kertas kerja ini membicarakan mimesis atau konsep peniruan oleh para karyawan Melayu dalam penghasilan reka bentuk atau motif rekaan seni. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mendokumentasikan konsep mimesis ini dalam penghasilan motif-motif rekaan seni Melayu. Terdapat banyak reka bentuk seni dan motif-motif rekaan yang terhasil adalah bersumberkan alam semulajadi. Penelitian kajian ini adalah berlandaskan kepada kaedah obeservasi serta temubual dengan orang perseorangan dan tokoh-tokoh budayawan. Intisari metodologi atau tatacara menjadikan alam sebagai sumber aspirasi dan inspirasi adalah khazanah seni yang akan terus mewarnai keutuhan serta kegemilangan seni Melayu sejagat.

Alam sebagai rujukan
Alam dan signifikannya dalam budaya Melayu
Kearifan Karyawan Melayu
Kaedah Temu Bual
Kaedah Pemerhatian
Rumput Bebaling
Pucuk rebung
Burung merak
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