
Various studies have been done on the concept of innovation in Islam, but the focus is on Allah as the Innovator, Rasulullah as the innovator as well as the Qur’anic formula on how to gain knowledge to innovate. No studies have been found that focus on the characteristics of innovation in Islam. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of formulating the characteristics of innovation in Islam. This qualitative study was conducted by collecting data from interviews and document analysis. A total of seven innovative asatizah were selected as study participants. The findings show that there are seven themes for the concept of innovation in Islam, namely 1) imperfect, 2) inspiration from Allah, 3) benefit for others, 4) Shariah-compliant, 5) according to need, 6) consider traditional methods, and 7) innovated sincerely. This finding is in line with the concept of innovation outlined in the Qur'an as well as the mufassir’s explanation of the word al-bid’u. This study has implications in terms of explaining the characteristics of innovation in Islam and can be used as a guide to Muslim innovators when producing innovation.

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