
The mapepegat ceremony is one of the series of pitra yadnya (nagben) ceremonies. The mapepegat ceremony is carried out to sever the ties between the spirits of people who have died and worldly elements. With the hope that the spirits of people who have died can soon be united with Sang Hyang Paramatman. In practice, each region carries out the mapepegat ceremony at different times. There are those who carry out the mapepegat ceremony at the funeral home before leaving for Setra, there are those who carry out the mapepegat in Setra before nganyut, and there are also those who carry out the mapepegat ceremony at the same time as the ngerorasan ceremony. The background to the implementation of this mapepegat ceremony is the desire of the pratisentana to complete one of the tri rna, namely pitra rna. The sincerity of the relatives left behind is an important part of the mapepegat ceremony, because it will greatly influence the quality and vibration of the pitra yajna being carried out.
 Key words: Brahmavidyā, Mapepegat, Pitra Yadnya.

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