
The study of the provision of group counseling services to increase the confidence of class VIII b students in Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan 2017/2018 Academic Year with 23 respondents as respondents. The data collection method used was Observation and Questionnaire, the data analysis used was descriptive data analysis. Based on the results of the initial observation by giving a questionnaire and obtaining the main data with a percentage of students 'self-confidence in the school by 41%, after being given counseling service actions in the group in the first cycle students' self-confidence increased with a percentage of 56%, after the second cycle students' self-confidence in schools has increased considerably, with a percentage of 74%. The provision of group counseling services shows that students' self-confidence in schools has increased. This research activity has been categorized as successful because it reaches the percentage above the predetermined success indicator, which is equal to 65% of the students' self-confidence in school. Therefore the provision of group counseling services can increase the confidence of class VIII B MTs Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan Academic Year 2017/2018 Keywords: Group Counseling, Student Confidence


  • Berawal dari latar belakang bahwa sebagian orang tidak menyadari bahwa rendahnya percaya diri dapat menimbulkan hambatan besar dalam menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari

  • The study of the provision of group counseling services to increase the confidence of class VIII b students in Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan 2017/2018 Academic Year with 23 respondents as respondents

  • Based on the results of the initial observation by giving a questionnaire and obtaining the main data with a percentage of students 'self-confidence in the school by 41%, after being given counseling service actions in the group in the first cycle students' self-confidence increased with a percentage of 56%, after the second cycle students' self-confidence in schools has increased considerably, with a percentage of 74%

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ABSTRAK Penelitian tentang pemberian layanan konseling kelompok untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa kelas VIII b di MTs Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 dengan responden yang diteliti sebanyak 23 siswa. Berdasrkan hasil dari observasi awal dengan memberi angket dan memperoleh data utama dengan angka persentase kepercayaan diri siswa disekolah sebesar 41%, setelah diberi tindakan layanan konseling kelompok pada siklus I kepercayaan diri siswa disekolah mengalami peningkatan dengan besar persentase 56%, setelah dilanjutkan pada siklus II tingkat kepercayaan diri siswa disekolah mengalami peningkatan yang cukup besar, dengan besar persentase 74%. Pemberian layanan konseling kelompok menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan diri siswa disekolah mengalami peningkatan.Kegiatan penelitian ini telah dikategorikan berhasil karna mencapai persentase diatas indikator keberhasilan yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu sebesar 65% persentase kepercayaan diri siswa disekolah. Maka dari itu dengan pemberian layanan konseling kelompok dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa kelas VIII B MTs Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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