
This paper analyzes the history of social conflicts that occurred in Poso district that began in 1992 and their efforts to resolve them. In general, this conflict is seen as a conflict in the name of the dominant religion, namely Islam and Christianity. This conflict is motivated by the displacement of social order in which the indigenous Poso people who mostly adhere to Christian beliefs feel marginalized by migrants, especially from Java, who are mostly Muslim. So this makes the social system move where the newcomers dominate in terms of politics, economics and social, giving rise to sentiment. In this study the authors used a qualitative method that uses sources of reading, literature, journals, books and online print media related to this research. The author uses two approaches namely the theory of constructivism and social conflict to answer the problems in this study. The results of this study stated that the main factor of social conflict that occurred in Poso was not due to religious dominance, but rather to the transfer of power both politically, economically and socially. In the solution, it met with obstacles and negotiations to find an amicable agreement that represented the interests of both parties.


  • Tulisan ini menganalisa Konflik Poso dengan menjelaskan sejarah terjadinya konflik social yang terjadi di Kabupaten Poso yang di mulai tahun 1992, upaya penyelesaian dan keadaan pasca konflik

  • This paper analyzes Poso Conflict by explaining the history of social conflicts that occurred in Poso District which began in 1992, trying to resolve and deal with post-conflict situations

  • This paper uses two arguments namely constructivism theory and social conflict to answer the debate in this research

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PENDAHULUAN Kota Poso terletak di ibu kota

Hasil pertanian dan perdagangan merupakan hal yang saling berhubungan dan berdampak besar bagi perekonomian Kota Poso. Poso memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan seperti pada sektor perkebunan dengan komoditi utama yang dihasilkan berupa kakao, kelapa dalam, kopi arabika, kopi robusta, cengkeh, lada, dan jambu mete. Agensi dapat dipahami sebagai kemampuan seseorang untuk bertindak, sedangkan struktur mengacu pada sistem internasional yang terdiri dari elemen material dan ideasional (Theys, 2018). Teori konstruktivisme dicirikan dengan adanya penekanan atas pentingnya normatif serta struktur material, serta mengenai peran identitas dalam membentuk aksi politik dan pada hubungan yang saling konstitutif antara agen dan struktur. Konstruktivisme menekankan pada 3 hal yang melatarbelakangi agen dalam pembentukan suatu keputusan, yaitu konstruksi sosial, identitas aktor, dan kepentingan (Reus-Smit, 2005)

Terkait dengan penerapan teori konstruktivisme dalam penyelesaian
Sejarah Konflik Poso
Hukum dan Keamanan atau Susilo
Keadaan Pasca Konflik Poso
Kegagalan Rekonsiliasi Masyarakat Poso
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