
This paper aims to study and understand the internal conflicts that occurred in the National Awakening Party of Subang Regency in 2018 and how the conflict resolution was carried out by internal parties. The method uses a qualitative approach. Data and information obtained through observation, interview and library research methods. The data and arguments built in this writing are sourced from literature, such as books related to political party conflicts, materials that are already in written form and other sources that support primary data sources such as documentation, theses, theses, journals. and other scientific papers or from the internet, websites or blogs as well as to informants in the field through interviews.The results showed that the internal conflict of the National Awakening Party was caused by differences in political views in determining the choice of the candidate for the Regional Head of Subang Regency in 2018. This happened when there was a difference between Andi Lukman Hakim, Chair of the Subang National Awakening Party Branch Management Board who supported the Dedi pair. Junaedi-Budi Setiadi. Meanwhile, the Central Executive Board Decree fell to the pair Hj. Imas Aryumningsih-Sutarno. The conflict then led to the freezing of the Subang District PKB DPC, and was taken over by the caretaker management. Another factor that triggered the conflict was the power struggle after Andi's management was frozen. Therefore, it is necessary to have conflict resolution carried out by internal parties.


  • Tulisan ini betujuan untuk mengkaji dan memahami konflik internal yang terjadi pada Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2018 serta bagaiamana resokusi konflik yang dilakukan oleh internal partai

  • This paper aims to study and understand the internal conflicts that occurred in the National Awakening Party of Subang Regency in 2018 and how the conflict resolution was carried out by internal parties

  • The results showed that the internal conflict of the National Awakening Party was caused by differences in political views in determining the choice of the candidate for the Regional Head of Subang Regency in 2018

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Journal Publicuho

ISSN 2621-1351 (online), ISSN 2685-0729 (print) Volume 3 Number 3 (November-January), (2020) pp.430446 Open Access at: http://ojs.uho.ac.id/index.php/PUBLICUHO/index. Pada waktu itu Andi Lukman Hakim, yang merupakan Ketua Dewan Pengurus Cabang (DPC) PKB Kabupaten Subang periode tahun 2015–2020 diberhentikan secara sepihak oleh Dewan Pengurus Pusat (DPP) PKB dengan tidak melalui mekanisme yang seharusnya (melalui Musyawarah Cabang). Sebagai dampak dari pilihan politik Andi Lukman tersebut, maka DPC PKB Kabupaten Subang dibekukan oleh DPP PKB melalui SK Nomor 26342 Tertanggal 14 Mei 2018 tentang Penetapan Careteker Dewan Pengurus Cabang Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Subang ditandatangani Ketua Umum H.A. Muhaimin Iskandar dan Sekjen H. Konflik di internal PKB Kabupaten Subang antara Andi Lukman Hakim dengan DPP PKB sangat menarik untuk dijadikan sebagai fenomena penelitian politik, karena didalamnya terdapat power struggle, dimana secara teoritis topik “kekuasaan (power) menjadi pusat perhatian utama dalam studi Ilmu Politik.” (Haboddin, 2017: 2). Dalam kerangka fokus pada penelitian yang akan diteliti mengenai Konflik Internal Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2018, maka rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana konflik internal partai politik yang terjadi pada Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2018 dan apa resolusi konflik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa

Resolusi Konflik
Partai Pengusung
Pembekuan DPC PKB Kabupaten Subang
Restrukturalisasi DPAC PKB Kabupaten Subang
Diakses pada
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