
Computer network using LAN has limitations in terms of the large number of computers that will be connected to the switch equipment. This limitation can be overcome by connecting the LAN between each other using a router. Networks inter LAN still pose a problem in terms of safety, although the amount can be overcome. To overcome the problem requires a LAN in a small group that is often known as Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). VLAN can be connected as is often done on the LAN in general with the addition of some equipment that is able to be used as the connecting or known by the name of inter-VLAN. inter-VLAN configuration can be done directly and indirectly. the configuration directly by configuring the network equipment such as switches and routers, while the indirect configuration can be done using packet tracer. In doing inter-VLAN configuration requires a command performed by an administrator. Commands that is configured on the network equipment is a command that is still a command line or a particular script. For people who have not worked as a network administrator needed a software Graphics User Interface (GUI) for ease in studying network administration. Software Graphics User Interface (GUI) can facilitate a person who has worked as an administrator to configure inter-VLAN.


  • Computer network using Local Area Network (LAN) has limitations in terms o f the large number o f computers that will be connected to the switch equipment

  • To overcome the problem requires a LAN in a small group that is often known as Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)

  • VLAN can be connected as is often done on the LAN in general with the addition o f some equipment that is able to be used as the connecting or known by the name o f inter-VLAN. inter-VLAN configuration can be done directly and indirectly, the configuration directly by configuring the network equipment such as switches and routers, while the indirect configuration can be done using packet tracer

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Jaringan komputer menggunakan LAN mempunyai keterbatasan dalam hal banyaknya jumlah komputer yang akan dihubungkan ke peralatan switch. Keterbatasan ini dapat diatasi dengan menghubungkan antar LAN satu dengan lainnya menggunakan router. Jaringan antar LAN masih menimbulkan masalah dari segi keamanannya walaupun secara jumlah dapat diatasi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibutuhkan LAN dalam kelompok kecil yang sering dikenal dengan nama Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). VLAN dapat dihubungkan seperti halnya yang sering dilakukan pada LAN pada umumnya dengan penambahan beberapa peralatan yang mampu untuk digunakan sebagai penghubungnya atau dikenal dengan nama inter-VLAN. Konfigurasi inter-VLAN sendiri dapat dilakukan secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Konfigurasi secara langsung ini yaitu dengan melakukan konfigurasi ke peralatan jaringan seperti switch dan router, sedangkan konfigurasi secara tidak langsung bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan packet tracer. Dalam melakukan konfigurasi inter-VLAN dibutuhkan suatu perintah atau command yang dilakukan oleh seorang administrator. A d ity a W is n u P ra ta m a , H b to W in id d .YEnni A s tu ti administrator pada suatu jaringan dibutuhkan suatu perangkat lunak berbasis Graphics User Interface (GUI) untuk mempermudah dalam mempelajari administrasi jaringan

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Perancangan Sistem
Spesifikasi Software
Implementasi dan Analisa
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