
Abstract. Fishpond is one of the habitats from organisme such as plankton which is have a role as main food resources for organisms with high trophic level (such as fish). This objectives of the study were to determine the condition of plankton in grouper fishponds in Mesjid Lama Village, Talawi District, Batu Bara District. Plankton sampling and water quality measurements were carried out from February to June 2019. The abundance of phytoplankton in grouper fish ponds varied between 1,765-4,113 ind/L. The composition of phytoplankton species found during observation was dominated by diatom groups or Bacillariophyceae classes. The abundance of zooplankton in grouper ponds varied from 330-1,165 ind/L with the lowest abundance found at station 6 with a total of 330 ind/L and the highest abundance was found at station 4 with a number of 1,165 ind/L. The zooplankton genus that is often found is Acartia. Diversity value H '


  • such as plankton which is have a role as main food resources for organisms

  • This objectives of the study were to determine the condition of plankton in grouper fishponds

  • L. The composition of phytoplankton species found during observation was dominated by diatom groups

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Bahan dan Metode Lokasi dan waktu penelitian

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Mesjid Lama Kecamatan Talawi Kabupaten Batu Bara dan Laboratorium Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Universitas Asahan. Pengambilan sampel plankton dan pengamatan kualitas air dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Juni 2019. Pada lokasi pengambilan sampel kualitas air dan plankton dibagi menjadi 6 titik sampling. Analisis beberapa parameter kualitas air dilakukan secara insitu (di lapangan) dan exsitu (di luar lapangan/laboratorium). Sampel kualitas air yang diambil dianalisis di Laboratorium Budidaya Perairan Universitas Asahan berupa analisis nitrat, TSS, fosfat, fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Bahan dan Alat yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel plankton terdiri atas: plankton net, ember dengan volume 10 liter, cairan Lugol, botol sampel dengan ukuran 100 ml, sebagai pengawet. Pengambilan plankton di tambak dilakukan dengan cara menyaring 100 L air dengan menggunakan ember ukuran 10 L, kemudian disaring dengan menggunakan planktonet berukuran 25 μm dipadatkan menjadi 50 ml. Selanjutnya dilakukan penghitungan yang meliputi Indeks keragaman jenis (H’), Indeks keseragaman (E) dan Kelimpahan genus planton (Odum, 1971; Basmi, 2000)

Analisis data Kelimpahan plankton
Kelimpahan plankton
Temora Acartia Branchionus Total
Parameter fisika dan kimia perairan
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