
The Department of Animal Husbandry of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara has the main problem that not all business processes and management systems are computerized, one of which is the management of the Official Travel Order (SPPD). SPPD issuance procedures that occur in the service namely the finance department receives employee data files, data orders, and official travel orders, which are still in the form of files and input using a typewriter. With a system that is not yet fully computerized, it is difficult for officers to manage data, input data, and search for data again for a long time. To overcome these problems, a web-based Office Travel Order (SPPD) application is expected to be built which is expected to be able to assist officers in making and managing the SPPD. In general, the stages of research carried out are divided into six stages, namely: preparation and data collection, needs analysis, process analysis, design, implementation and testing, and evaluation of results. This computerized application is implemented using the Laravel Framework, the PHP 7 and MySQL programming languages as a database server. This application testing technique uses black-box testing. It is expected that with this application management, inputting, data search can be done quickly and make it easier for officers to store data so that there are no difficulties in looking for it again

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