
The role of SMEs in Indonesia in supporting the economy in Indonesia is quite significant. In the post-1997 crisis in Indonesia, SMEs can prove that this sector could become the foundation for the national economy. Number of SMEs also continued to increase from year to year. SMEs in developing countries is almost always the biggest economic activity in number and ability to absorb labor. Development of SMEs as one of supporting economic growth must be accompanied by the development of human resources in various aspects. HR competency development of SMEs important in order to create a quality workforce to reach corporate goals. The current study focused on SMEs Batik in Banyumas, was to examine the impact of human resource competencies (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) on company’s performance in SME Batik Banyumas. Research conducted on 65 respondents in Banyumas showed that HR competencies affect the performance of SMEs. Skills have significant effect on the performance of SMEs. However, knowledge and abilities does not effect the performance of SMEs. The owners of SMEs Batik should pay attention to the importance of human resource competencies to improve their performance. It is also important to improve their skills through training and workshops related to batik. Owners of batik needs to involve employees in their knowledge and skills in the production process of batik that can help increase employee and company performance in the future.


  • Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari perekonomian suatu negara ataupun daerah, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia

  • In the post-1997 crisis in Indonesia, SMEs can prove that this sector could become the foundation for the national economy

  • The current study focused on SMEs Batik in Banyumas, was to examine the impact of human resource competencies (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) on company’s performance in SME Batik Banyumas

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Pengembangan karir

Analisis kompetensi menggambarkan sifat seseorang dengan cara menilai pengetahuan, keterampilan yang dbutuhkan, pendidikan pelatihan dan pengalaman. B. Pengertian Kinerja Menurut Suyudi (1999) kinerja adalah hasil kerja yang dapat dicapa oleh seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam organisasi sesuai dengan wewenang dan tanggungjawab masingmasing dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi. Komponen produktivitas individu ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain sebagaimana yang disajikan pada gambar 1 berikut ini : PRODUKTIVITAS INDIVIDU. Kepuasan kinerja dapat tercapai apabila ada rasa puas terhadap pekerjaan dan hasil kerjanya serta seberapa baik mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya. Menurut Baswir (1995), ada empat faktor penyebab rendahnya kinerja Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Indonesia, antara lain : 1) hampir 60% usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia menggunakan teknologi yang tradisional 2) pangsa pasar yang cenderung menurun karena kekurangan modal, lemah teknologi dan manajerial 3) sebagian besar usaha kecil dan menengah tidak mampu memenuhi persyaratan administratif guna memperoleh bantuan dari bank 4) tingkat ketergantungan terhadap fasilitas pemerintah masih sangat besar

Perkembangan UMKM Batik
Hasil Pengujian Validitas
Pengujian Regresi Linear Berganda
Keterbatasan Penelitian
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