
Teacher’s competencies are a key to the transformation of understanding and religious experience for students. They are pedagogical, personal, social, professional, and leadership competency. The study aims at knowing the reality of religious teacher’s competency in boarding schools and supporting and obstacle factors in improving their competency. It used a qualitative approach and data were collected through interviews, observation, and document review. The object of study was the boarding school educational unit, namely State Senior High School (MAN) 5 favorite in Parepare. The results of the study illustrated that Islamic education (PAI) teachers have competencies and skills as determined by the government such as the ability to motivate and protect students with different characters, having administrative skills in managing instructional learning materials, capability to read class situations when applying or using learning methods, to interpret learning programs to students and to deliver learning effectively and efficiently. The programs of religious teachers’ competency improvement include through the support of Subject Teacher Forum (MGMP) and in house training activities.


  • Teacher’s competencies are a key to the transformation of understanding and religious experience for students

  • The study aims at knowing the reality of religious teacher’s competency in boarding schools and supporting and obstacle factors in improving their competency. It used a qualitative approach and data were collected through interviews, observation, and document review

  • The results of the study illustrated that Islamic education (PAI) teachers have competencies and skills as determined by the government such as the ability to motivate and protect students with different characters, having administrative skills in managing instructional learning materials, capability to read class situations when applying or using learning methods, to interpret learning programs to students and to deliver learning effectively and efficiently

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Pendidikan merupakan salah satu hak asasi manusia yang paling mendasar (life based), oleh karenanya harus dipenuhi sepanjang hayat hidup manusia. Guru pada boarding school juga dituntut dan dipersyaratkan untuk memiliki kompetensi yang qualified, agar dapat menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan dengan baik, memberikan contoh dan keteladanan tentang sikap dan tingkah laku yang terpuji sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat berlangsung secara efisien dan efektif, dan tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian Naidinsyam tentang Konstrubusi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Akhlak Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palopo menyebutkan bahwa peranan guru pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah bukan hanya mengajarkan doa dan tata cara ibadah kepada Tuhan saja, tapi juga berperan aktif dalam memberi motivasi kepada siswa untuk lebih baik dan lebih maju serta mampu membangun kehidupan yang lebih santun dengan landasan etika sosial yang benar (Naidinsyam, 2018: 6). Khusus guru agama pada boarding school, selain dituntut untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan agama, juga diharapkan dapat memberikan pendidikan budi pekerti, memberikan pemahaman sikap, moral, dan perilaku yang terpuji ke peserta didik sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama agar peserta didik dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi pendukung dalam merumuskan strategi dan tahapan-tahapan dalam menyusun indikator-indikator atas syarat dasar kompetensi yang harus dipenuhi oleh guru agama

Kajian Teori
Metode Penelitian
Gambaran Umum Lokasi Penelitian
Profil Singkat Sekolah
Jadwal kegiatan pembelajaran di SMA
Kompetensi Guru Agama
Kompetensi Kepribadian
Kompetensi Sosial
Kompetensi Profesional
Kompetensi Kepemimpinan
Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat
Faktor Penghambat
Ucapan Terima Kasih
Daftar Pustaka
Full Text
Paper version not known

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