
<span>Student learning outcomes are influenced by the ability of students to understand and the ability of teachers to deliver subject matter. In the delivery of subject matter, appropriate and effective learning models are needed to improve student understanding. This article presents an effective learning model for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship subjects in Vocational School. The aim of this subject is to form students to have the character, skills, and understanding as an entrepreneur, and to be able to bring up quality young entrepreneurs. To achieve the learning goal, learning activities must involve students directly. The experiential learning model emphasizes the role of active student experience and involvement. Through practice-based learning experiences, students feel more confident in handling jobs in real work. Learning through this model is able to facilitate students in learning so that it could improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, experiential learning is one alternative solution in the Creative Products and Entrepreneurship learning process. The research method used is a review literature by analyzing various relevant sources related to the importance of experiential learning and the challenges of its implementation. Creative Products and Entrepreneurship learning in Vocational Schools is implemented in various forms of production and business-based learning which is a real practice. Through experiential learning, it is expected that entrepreneurial learning objectives could be achieved and young entrepreneurs from Vocational Schools could increase significantly. This is in accordance with the concept of work, continuing study, and entrepreneurship for vocational high school graduates. In addition, it also supports the Entrepreneurial School program as an effort of the government to achieve the vocational high school revitalization target, while at the same time reducing the unemployment rate of vocational high school graduates.</span>

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