
Purpose:To detect common USG (Ultrasonography) findings in patients with blunt ocular trauma and compare them with clinical findings.
 Methods:The anterior chamber depth, lens thickness,axial length and scleral thickness values were measured with USG
 Results:In this study, we included 44 eyes of 44 patients,77% of blunt ocular trauma patients were male and 31% were in the 20-40 age group. The most common cause of trauma was branch hit(23%)the most common examination findings were eyelid ecchymosis(60%) and hyphema(29%). Intravitreal hemorrhage (15%)and retinal detachment (4%) were the most common USG findings. İnitial percentage of best-corrected visual acuity is 0.1(LogMar 1.00) and worse was 27%. This value decreased to 6% with medical or surgical treatments at the first month examination. There was no statistically significant difference between the initial, first week, and first month measurements of axial length,anterior chamber depth,lens thickness and scleral thickness.
 Conclusion: This study emphasizes the importance of USG in blunt ocular trauma and comparing the clinical findings showed that blunt trauma can damage ocular structures in different severities.The final result depends on the severity of the injury and the application of appropriate treatment

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